About Us
Our NDIS service is designed to build and strengthen the capacity of our clients. We operate with an independent focus and are free from conflicts of interest. We do whatever it takes to help our clients achieve their fullest potential, helping facilitate their choice and control over the services they receive.
Lead Consulting Group is led by Ms Alyson Hart, who has had over 30 years’ experience in both public and private sectors in the areas of health, education, banking, telecommunications, and government services. LEAD Consulting Group’s services are offered Australia-wide.
When you work with LEAD Consulting, you are partnering with skilled, compassionate, and experienced NDIS Approved Support Coordinators and Plan Managers.
Contact us so we can:
- Talk to you about your goals
- Show you options in services and service providers
- Resolve any points of crisis you may experience
- Help you liaise with the NDIA and Local Area Coordinators
- Draw up service agreements
- Connect you to mainstream, informal, or community supports
Our Role as Support Coordinators
The NDIA guidelines state that all Support Coordination is to be used as capacity-building support. The structure of the support is within a time frame, where support is initially funded and tapers off as we assist to increase participant’s capacity to become more independent.
Support Coordination is described in the NDIS Price Guide as assistance to strengthen participant’s ability to connect with informal, mainstream and funded supports.
As Support Coordinators, we do not limit ourselves to ‘funded supports’. Instead, we work with our participants to reduce their reliance on paid support by exploring ways to make progress towards goals that don’t involve paid support at all.
We undertake the role of NDIS capacity building supports, by partially fulfilling the role of Case Coordinators. We do this to support participants by building resilience in their support network.
We support our client’s with life transition planning, skills development and plan management. We monitor and support a participant’s plan budget, maintain accountability and transparency in all our dealings with participant’s money.
We work to help our participants understand choice and control on a spectrum. Taking an NDIS plan from approval to implementation might involve many small decisions. To find the best solutions we undertake individualised research in order to link the best outcomes for our clients. We recognize that support needs to be ‘reasonable’ and ‘necessary’ and that these support systems may need to continue outside of NDIS funding in future years.
We engage and empower participants and their families and carers the whole way along the journey.